Sunday, December 31, 2006

Capturing a Community - Hood & Company

Now that the holiday season is winding down, I have some time to get back to this project. A month or so ago, I met David Miles from Hood & Company, the newest addition to the growing community on Main St., Catskill. We agreed that when things got a little quieter, we'd work together in the new store. Well, today was that day. This time I also had the pleasure to meet Derek Hood. Now I'm not a detective, but I'd guess that it's his name on the door.

Derek and David are two great guys with a wonderful home furnishing shop. If you haven't taken the time to stop in, please do so. You'll be impressed by the store and happy, as I am to have met the both of them. Thanks guys for giving me the opportunity to make this image.
My next stop is Retriever Roasters. Keep coming back to find that posting.

Saturday, December 30, 2006

Schindler Family Portraits

I had the pleasure and privilege to photograph the Schindler family this morning. Heather asked me to come to their beautiful home to capture the entire family during the holiday season. I hope you enjoy the images of a lovely family. Thank you again for allowing me into your home and meeting most of you for the first time. The complete set of photos from the session can be found at:

Monday, November 20, 2006

Capturing a Community

I've embarked on personal project that I'm calling "Capturing a Community". It is a photo essay of the Village of Catskill residents who have been a contributing part of our community. Some will be life long contributors and some will be new. So far, I have worked with Peter DiStefano of DiStefano's NY Barber Shop and Ray Rothrock of Ray's Appliances. I have several other individuals on the schedule in the next few weeks.

My goal is to have a exhibition at the conclusion of this project and if there is enough interest, I will look to publish a book.

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Cohotate Preserve

On Thursday, Aug. 31, 2006, I had the pleasure to spend a few hours walking the Cohotate Preserve with my good friend Louis Stettner. Louis was working on his nature series of photographs and I went along to photograph and to spend time with a friend in a beautiful natural setting along the Hudson River. For those of you not familiar with either Louis or Cohotate, I'm including a few links. Both are very interesting and worth your time exploring.

Link for Louis:


Saturday, July 22, 2006


I got a call a month ago from Jessica's mother looking to see if today's date was open to photograph her daughter's wedding. After meeting with Jessica, we agreed to work together to capture the joyous day. Well today was the day. Although there was torrential rain all around the area, the sky was clear and sunny over the wedding. Jessica and Jered are a beautiful couple and I thank them for the opportunity to photograph their wedding and wish them the very best. I'll be uploading the entire wedding photos to Pictage this weekend. They should be available to see by Monday. They will be at Just search on Jessica & Jered Waldorf.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

Plant Study

My neighbor always has these wonderful planters adorning their house each summer. I have no idea what these plants are, but the color and texture are amazing. Thanks Carolyn and John for making the neighborhood so beautiful to live in and look at.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Angels 2

The rest as promised.


I've begun work on a personal project involving angels. These are angels that are standing guard over the final resting place of the souls in the St. Patrick's cemetary in Catskill. They are so beautiful and peaceful as they provide eternal vigilance over the graves of family and friends.

I have five more images that I'm trying to upload. Hopefully they will be up in the next posting.

Saturday, May 27, 2006

CHS Prom Photos Available

They are ready to view! Sorry for the delay, I'm using a new service and still learning all the steps. But now all the photos that I took at the coronation are available for you to view and purchase. Within a few days the photos that were shot at the Prom will be available too. Remember to tell all your friends. All profits on the sale of photos from this event will be donated to the Junior class for their fund raising treasury.
Go to and search for CHS Junior Prom 2006

Friday, May 26, 2006

Welcoming Spring

Seems like March had better weather than May, but in spite of the cold, Spring has sprung. The flowers are in bloom and everything is coming to life. Here are some photos that I've made while walking along the beautiful Hudson River shoreline. The robin's nest is located on the house along side of mine. Thank you Momma bird for setting up house where I could see.

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Upcoming Events

Seems like forever since I've posted last. Spent the past three days in Boston on business. Nice city, but rainy and cold. This weekend will be very busy. On Saturday, I'll be covering the Catskill HS Junior Prom coronation at the high school. My task will be to cover the 'Red Carpet' arrivals of the prom attendants. As always, I will post the images a few days later for viewing and purchase. The profits for these sales will go to the Catskill HS junior class for their fund raising efforts. So make sure to tell all your friends and family to keep an eye out!

Also this Saturday evening, I'll be photographing a party for a long time business acquaintance. It should be an outstanding event. I haven't discussed the online posting with them yet, so for now I'll keep it private. But as always, keep coming here for the latest updates.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Wiz Photos Open

I just got the OK from the school to unlock the site for the photos from the play. Check them out! search for Wizard. You'll notice that they are available for purchase. Each image has a size/price pull down. ALL PROFITS FROM THE SALE OF THESE PHOTOS WILL BE DONATED TO THE MUSIC PARENT-STUDENT ASSOCIATION. Hopefully this will contribute to their fund raising activities.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Wizard of Oz at Catskill HS

Wow, what a weekend! Starting Friday evening, the Catskill High School presented THE WIZARD OF OZ with a show Saturday evening and Sunday afternoon. This play was outstanding. The music, the acting, the costumes and set were fantastic! It was obvious that many weeks of dedicated work from Mr. Jim Guldenstern and his cast and crew went into this production. Both Friday night and Saturday night were sold out and Sunday's matinee was close to capacity.
In my humble opinion, all characters were perfectly cast. Their voices were wonderful and their acting was amazing.
Thank you for a wonderful performance. It's a true pleasure to see our fine young students working so hard while enjoying every minute of it.

Here's a few photos. For more photos from Sunday's performance, visit Search on WIZARD. For today the site is password protected so Mr. G gets first view. Come back tomorrow and I'll unlock the site for everyone to see.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Film to Digital

Well I've been working with my friend Herb Sculnick in the past few days to scan some of my black and white negatives. Seems the plans to build a darkroom for my film has given way to a new bathroom. Which BTW is ok, now I no longer have to spend hours in the dark with smelly chemicals that seem to permiate throughout the house. But I still have all these negatives that I'd like to print. So Herb, an extremely talented commercial and travel photographer, is helping digitize some of my favorite images from film. We did a test of three negatives from a day in Manhattan. I was just walking the city, living life and capturing moments that caught my eye. Hope you enjoy them.

Inaugural Posting

Well here it is, my first Blog entry. If I knew it was going to be this easy, I would have done it a long time ago.
My intention here is to keep a log of the people, weddings and events that I will be photographing. It will be a quick way to see the work I've been producing and to keep track of my photography adventures.

Thanks for stopping by and keep coming back as I hope to keep this growing.